Act Now - Work Session June 26th

June 21, 2012

The June 19 forum is available online at the below link. You will need to have RealPlayer installed to listen. After clicking the link, click the Play button for the Judicial Proceedings Committee.

Listen to June 19, 2012 Forum

Get a fast recap of the June 19 forum by reading our twitter feed that followed the forum live, and follow us on Twitter @Supportthecourt.

Send In Clarifications of Erroneous Statements

Supporters of the Court's ruling are encouraged to send in clarifications of erroneous statements made during the forum to Task Force members soon. The next work session by the Task Force is Tuesday June 26.*

Erroneous Statements

1.) "BSL does not work" (See examples of success)
2.) Conflating "bites" with "maulings" (as a debate tactic)

The other side continues ad nauseam to conflate "dog bites" with disfiguring and life-altering pit bull maulings as a debate tactic. Watch the vicitm's father talk about this.

Reinforce Powerful Statements

Supporters are also encouraged to reinforce powerful statements that came out during the forum by contacting Task Force members. Below are the two issues that must be reinforced to Task Force members.

1.) "This issue must be about public safety, not dog owner's rights"
2.) "The greater the risk of harm, the greater the liability"

*It appears that the special session tentatively scheduled for July 7 is off. This allows more time for Task Force members to examine this issue. The session could be on again in a flash, so do not delay in contacting Task Force members!

Task Force email addresses,,,, [email protected],, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Copy the above block of email addresses as is, commas included, and paste into the To: area of your email.

Thank you for your supportive actions!

Visit: Maryland Dog Bite Victim Advocacy